Last year I started a new holiday. Croissant Day.
Croissant Day is exactly what it sounds like, a day dedicated to making croissants.
Backtracking to early 2007, I decided that making these wonderful light pastries would be something good to master. I tried I think, a total of 5 recipes, ranging from 2 hours, to 10 hours.
Having never made croissants before, initially I thought I could beat the system and go for the 2 hour method. I quickly learned that all that lead to was weird rolls, so I kept upping the time on my recipes, but still didn't produce anything close to those fluffy layers of croissant goodness.
So I decided to have a talk with me friend google search, which lead me to the 10 hour recipe. I spent the whole day rolling, refrigerating, turning, more rolling, more refrigerating..etc.. They turned out wonderfully perfect. Just how you would imagine a perfect croissant to be.
Fast forward to now. Croissant day is back, and this time I'm taking the overnight method to somewhat keep my sanity intact.
With a pound of butter and a rolling pin, I say cheers.
Shoot, I forgot to pick up butter for my banana bread last night...
Cheers to Ellie having a blog!
Yay! an Ellie blog! Keep sane with those fluffy pastries of yumminess. See you soon!
<3 Jo
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