Today I was bored and since I have pretty much unlimited free time with no job and still being sick, that meant doing some baking.
I wanted to do something mildly time consuming without taking up my entire day, so I decided to go with some fake out danish. I say fake out because making actual danish dough is a rather long process, so I just made a batch of sweet dough and used that in it's place. Works fine, you just don't get the flakiness that you normally would with danish dough.
Anywho, I was trying to decide what kind of danish to make and I tried to recall some of the ten thousand kinds I used to make at Bread Basket every day when I worked there. In the end I decided to whip up a batch of frangipane and put that into the dough with a sprinkle of chocolate chips. Kind of resembling a Bread Basket chocolate croissant, except I made mine into pockets instead of just folding and cutting the dough.
I have to say, I was kind of disappointed with the end result. They looked great, but most of the frangipane oozed out during the baking process, so they mostly just ended up being sweet dough pockets with a few chocolate chips. I covered them in powdered sugar after they were cool and that made them definitely more worth eating. I think if I were to make them again I might have to chill the frangipane more and seal the pockets completely as to avoid leakage. So yeah, you win some, you lose some. I actually prefer things go wrong sometimes, but maybe I'm weird like that.
I failed to get a picture after they were done, but I at least managed to snap a shot before they went in the oven.
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