Tuesday, December 22, 2009
The End.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Going to be missed.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009
November already?
Monday, September 28, 2009
LAX - not as cool as it sounds
6:46am - airport
Sitting in the Los Angeles airport at quarter to seven in the morning - today already feels long. My boyfriend, being the awesome person that he is, brought me here early so we wouldn't hit traffic/have to wait through the long security line. Along with that though, it only took me about 10 minutes tops, so I have some time to kill before my 8:30am flight. Woke up about 5:30 this morning, didn't want to leave.. still don't actually. I know that my life is in New York, not in California, in fact, I really do miss the Northeast chilly weather right about now, but still, it's hard to leave. Oh, and while we're on the topic of relationships, it annoys the crap out of me when people have constant FB updates about missing their significant other (SO MUCH) after not seeing them for maybe.. a day. WTF. You don't know what missing someone is, butt head. Anyway - just had to get that out.
So I have a rule about morning flights. If I'm tired and unhappy (usually the case), I find a Starbucks. If the Starbucks line is short, I go in, I get a hot beverage, preferably hot chocolate or chai, and a muffin. The muffin is crucial. So is the non coffee beverage. Here's why: muffins make people happy. I never eat muffins unless I need a serious pick me up breakfast. Also, since muffins are pretty much cake (i.e. simple sugars) they make you sleepy, which brings me to the importance on the non coffee beverage. If I'm about to get on a flight, I'm going to want to sleep. If I'm hopped up on caffeine and that baby three rows back starts screaming, you can bet I'm going to be ready to punch someone up to jupiter - and I'm not a violent person. Give me some warm milk and chocolate/spicy tea though, and I'll be your best friend. I'll be sleeping mind you, but it's better than me punching you in the face.
I've come to a realization about people in airports. They always want your seat. That perfect seat at the end of the row by your gate. They want it. Even if it's a bad seat - they want that too. Usually it's the seat with the least people around it, my personal favorite. Because in reality, I'm not a people person. You know those people that always want to chat it up on flights? I'm not one of them. I like sleep more than I like talking to you, deal with it. In fact, I don't think I ever talked to someone sitting next to me on my flight until my flight from O'hare to LAX on my way here. He taught me how to play sudoku.
Also, I like strangers that are surprisingly nice. Especially old black men because then they could be my cool grandpa. I encountered two this morning at LAX - one of them called me princess (in a cute old man sort of way), and the other let me go ahead of him in line. Gotta love those non creepy old men.
9:57am - somewhere in Utah, USA (headed to Newark, NJ)
You know that feeling of embarrassment after sleeping upright in a chair for the good portion of an hour constantly nodding your head up and down? I'm a constant offender of that, but I also find it mildly amusing because even though you know you're doing it, it's not enough for you to consciously wake up and stop. My thinking process at least is - sleep, I need it, other people can laugh if they want. Anyway, one thing (and probably the only thing) I love about continental is that they give you free meals during meal times. Why don't all airlines do that? From my experience they're usually not super gross either. I mean, if you have any type of dietary restrictions you could wave those pretty packaged meals goodbye, but lucky for me I'll eat pretty much anything except for a few select things (sashimi, squash (except for pureed in soup), fast food in general unless it's the last thing on the planet (or the last thing at a rest stop for 100 miles and I'm starving)). So yeah, rock on Continental, you suck otherwise, but I guess you're kind of ok. Oh dude! Free movies! Ok Continental, you win this time. Finding Nemo it is.
5:11pm - Newark airport
Long flight from Los Angeles to Newark. Pretty tired, but also glad to be back in my regular time zone. Not super looking forward to eating gross airport food for dinner, but I guess it's better than nothing. I wish we had Red Mango/Pinkberry in the Northeast. I had some yesterday but it's so freaking good. I could really go for some about now. One thing noted about airports of the east coast - not all the women are wearing super high heels. We're sensible here, we wear flats.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Tales from the Albany Airport....

Today, it is Wednesday. Had Banquet Management this morning and got out early (score), and decided I'm burning my bow tie after this semester. After class I went home, had some lunch, took a shower, and made some dinner to avoid potential overpriced yucky airport food. Drove to pick up my Dad at work so he could take me to the airport. Got questioned my the security guard, but at least he was nice about it.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
What the hell is wrong with me, edition # 2
Sunday, September 6, 2009
What the hell is wrong with me?
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Decisions, decisions...
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Sometimes I bake when I'm not at work

Today I was bored and since I have pretty much unlimited free time with no job and still being sick, that meant doing some baking.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
So yes, I'm aware that I've been on a blogging hiatus for pretty much the whole summer, but if you read my last post, you'd know that I didn't have much to blog about.. until now.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Summer of School
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Gross to some, delicious to me.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Antique Addictions

Ok, so I guess I have a couple addictions in life(dancing, dresses, chocolate).. some worse than others, but my most recent one has been antiquing for suitcases. So far I've bought a total of three, but I gave one to Jessekins for Sisters Day, so I'm not a total addict.. yet.

Monday, May 18, 2009
Chili Cook-off!
Usually I keep my winning recipes for bargaining purposes, but I'm feeling generous, so here it is, folks.
Ellie's Chili
1 red bell pepper
1 green bell pepper
1 large onion
1/2 package of frozen beef substitute crumbles
3 tbsp. chili powder
1 tbsp. cumin
1/2 tsp. garlic powder
salt & pepper to taste
1 canned chipotle in adobo, plus 1 tsp of the sauce
1 large can crushed tomatoes
1 jar tomato sauce (I used mushroom flavor this time)
1 cup water (I usually just rinse out the tomato can/jar and put the water in the pot)
1 bar dark chocolate
Cook the peppers, onions and half the spices in olive oil until tender. Add the beef substitute and cook for a few minutes. Add the rest of the ingredients and simmer on low for 1/2 hour. I usually add the chocolate at various times in the cooking process, just in case it gets too chocolaty, which might be impossible, but I do it that way anyway. I also usually do the same with the spices, and my measurements are approximate for those.
My favorite way to eat it is with avocado, sour cream and cilantro. It's super smokey, rich and a little sweet and spicy. I love it.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Freedom (for now) and Travels
Whew, another semester done.
Just finished my cleanings on Tuesday and thanks to my teachers updating my grades online, I don't have to wait to see how I did. Overall, not my best work ever, but I'm still happy with it. Due to my everlasting sickness for the past month, I seriously thought I'd be seeing some Cs on my report card, but thankfully I managed to work some magic on my finals so my lowest is a B- Really snuck under the wire with that one.
Now that I'm recovered from sickness and done with school until June, I'm back to being sleep deprived by my work and actually having free time. So what does that mean, you say? Road trip! Actually, train trip, which is even better in my book. Since I won't have much time once school starts in June, I'm going to Rochester Saturday-Wednesday to do things like dance, visit the sister, and have chili cook-offs.
One benefit to visiting Jessekins this month is we get to celebrate Sisters Day, which is an annual holiday Yvonne, Jesse and I started last year. So that means presents, lots of hanging out, and in general celebrating our awesome sister-ness. Recently I've been driving her insane by not telling her about the awesome present she's getting. Muaahhahaha.
Speaking of travels, I've also recently booked a flight to Portland to visit the brother. Recently I've been missing the gorgeous weather and beautiful scenery, so I figured that means it's time for another trip. While I'm there Eric and I are definitely going to make a road trip to Seattle, which we'll hopefully be able to see more of this time. And who knows, maybe Eric will be able to drag me out to a blues dance in Portland.. this thought might normally make me queasy, but what happens in Portland stays in Portland, right? Right. Anyway, I plan on doing lots of exploring to see about it being a potential living place. We'll see.
Hugs & Cupcakes.
Sunday, May 10, 2009

Today was good.
I woke up late and ate some breakfast in the form of sugar covered raisins and bran flakes. Got dressed and figured I should do something mildly productive, so I packed up my books and headed to B spa and parked myself at coffee planet to study for my commercial baking final. I listened to old ladies talk about finances and sipped my coffee while trying to ingrain marketing aspects into my head.
On my way out I tried to find the used bookstore, but sadly it had closed before I ever went in. Instead I got to have the wind try to blow my shirt up by my waist. Nice try there, wind. Without any bookstores to go to, I headed over to the giant antique store to mosey and check if they had any good vintage clothes. No on the clothes, but I found some old issues of life magazine and a lot cool antique suitcases. Now, maybe part of me has secretly wanted to be Audrey Hepburn in Roman Holiday or something, but I wasn't leaving without one of these suitcases.
My first finding was small, gray and cute on the outside, but the inside revealed it had seen better days with the previous owner. No wonder it was under $20. Second was a bit more pricey at $35, but I was intrigued when I couldn't figure out how to open it. This one was a bit larger, brown with light stitching, and still very cute. The interior had some damage, but stuff that could be fixed, and hounds tooth lining. This one was coming home with me, but not for $35. Muahaha.
Ahem. I walked over to the two old men at the counter and sweetly asked if they could show me what the interior pockets and buckles were intended for. "Oh.. so you mean that buckle is broken?... shame. Any chance I could get it for $25? No? $30? Wonderful." Not my best bargaining work to date, but at least now I could by myself a fancy $5 starcrap latte if I wanted to.
Proud of my bargaining efforts, I happily skipped along back to my car and thought about ways to clean leather on my way home. I tried a few different ways, and here's what I came up with:
-Lemon juice and cream of tartar: It's not really worth it.
-Mr. clean magic eraser: Surprisingly awesome, but some of the color may come off if you rub too hard.
- Rubbing alcohol and q-tips: Best bet. Some of the color still may come off a little, but it's better than the magic eraser.
Sadly the hounds tooth interior was pretty stained, probably from N.J.S. (the initials on the suitcase) spilling coffee on it forty years ago, so I did my best with some diluted shout.
Tried to repair the little leather piece that made it easier to pull the divider, major fail. I should probably leave the broken buckle to a cobbler after that dilemma.
Wish I had pictures to post, and maybe I will soon, but I'm still camera-less, so you'll have to look at the pretty google images for now. Probably once I get the buckle fixed I'll post some nice ones.
Overall though, it looks pretty nice, and I'm happy to give it some life after N.J.S. did. :)
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
and she's back

Sorry you haven't been able to follow me much recently, I kind of went MIA in blogland.
Updates: As you probably imagined, I survived at the very end of last semester, and I've just about finished this one up as well. In most cases I have one to three labs left, and after that, I'm done with most all of my labs for my time at Schenectady (except banquet) and geared up to graduate in December. Be expecting a party.
Plans for the summer include taking summer classes (bleck), Beverage Management (how to run a bar) and Food & Beverage Control (continuation of math for food service). Also working to try to save the monies for multiple things like a car, LF, and a possible trip out west. Trying my best by not going to big dance events (sadface) like SONH & Frankie 95, although as far as being in other cities go, I plan on making a few trips out to Rochacha. :)
Oh, and I got a job! Previous to the current job, I was going through lots of job drama trying to figure out which of 3 different jobs was best, but I finally decided on part time sweets baker @ Bountiful Bread in A-town. It sucks waking up at 3am to be at work at 4, but I deal. Plus it's freaking sweet job (no pun intended) - my department is in charge of all of the cookies, cupcakes, muffins, scones, brownies, danish etc.. I'm sometimes jealous of the bread bakers who come in at 8am, but whatevs, I get to have glamorous moments up to my elbows in batter multiple times a day. Who wins there?! Ok.. maybe them, but I get to say I'm a sweets baker, so THERE.
Added to work and school that mainly eat up my life, Chris and I have just about wrapped up another semester teaching the kiddies at RPI how to dance and shit. Again, the kids are great, and although we've had dwindling numbers recently due to finals and school activities, it makes me so happy to see them improving and I hope we'll get a big showing at our annual end of semester party.
This weekend I'm looking forward to taking a break from school/work and going to Stompo, one of my favorite events of the year, with my fourth year attending. Can't wait for all the solo jazz goodness I've come to adore.
Love and muffins.